Sports & Leisure

Air distribution using textile ducts provides reliable ventilation for buildings with a high level of human activity, to ensure that the air in them is healthy for the occupants.

Specific features of sports and leisure structures


Our textile ducts guarantee air renewal, ambient temperature, and air speed in occupied zones. These are well-known comfort criteria in these living spaces.

Broadcast performance

The air is channelled and pulsed in such a way as to move large quantities of air for even sweeping and temperature throughout the room.


Reliable, regular, and uniform ventilation that ensures good indoor air quality and contributes to the public health and safety aspects of these places.

Health and safety

Technical fabrics with certifications (B-s1-d0, A2-s1-d0, M1, etc.) and fire classification adapted to the standards and regulations in force for establishments open to the public.

Specific features of sports and leisure structures

Air renewal New air Comfort Temperature management Energy savings Aestheticism

Airnéo Pulse®

For healthy, fresh air in every zone

In some buildings, the need for fresh air depends on occupancy levels, activity levels and potential pollutants. By integrating an appropriate air diffuser, buildings are well ventilated and have quality indoor air, even when they are fully occupied. Airnéo Pulse® provides reliable, regular ventilation by adapting the air supply to the room being ventilated. This feature limits the appearance of odours and humidity, ensuring clean indoor air for occupants.

Discover the Airnéo Pulse® range